Thursday, November 1, 2007


We had a gorgeous and spooky Hallowe'en here. The trees are still in full color, the night was cool and pleasant. I love seeing everyone strolling through the neighborhoods and knocking on each other's doors.

That's Jesse with the chains and two of his schoolmates.

Linnea and Tor with two friends. Man, were they excited!

I ate candy. It started with candy corn, and progressed from there. My swearing-off of sweets lasted a month, then gradually caved in.
Hope you all had a spooky time!


Aaryn said...

them's some serious costumes... what was YOUR costume, david?

David said...

Uh, I was some character from the middle ages, maybe a musician. Or maybe a kind of bacchanalian (sp?) guy with flowers in my hair, a fetching robe, a drum. It was a three minute job. You? Jeannette? Pictures?